A Guide For Seniors
This is a lively guidebook that presents creative ideas to Seniors and Boomers for making new friends and living longer.
How important are friends? In terms of longer life, not having them is:
– Equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day
– Equivalent to being an alcoholic
– More harmful than not exercising
– Twice as harmful as obesity
Who says so? Studies by the Mayo Clinic, Harvard University, Illinois University, Brigham Young University and many others say so.
If you want to live longer and better, friends are essential. For everyone. But particularly for seniors. Seniors have a particularly tough time making new friends. Old friends die. Seniors move to be near children, or to find better climate. But for seniors, it is exceptionally hard to break into new social circles; the ones they try to enter are set in concrete and rarely welcoming. Knowing this is one thing. Knowing what to do about it is another thing entirely.