Housing – Living Single in Retirement https://www.livingsingleinretirement.com Older Women Learning to Create a Better Retirement Life Fri, 14 May 2021 17:55:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 IS HOUSE SHARING A GOOD CHOICE FOR OLDER WOMEN IN RETIREMENT? https://www.livingsingleinretirement.com/is-house-sharing-a-good-choice-for-older-women-in-retirement/ Mon, 05 Apr 2021 10:00:00 +0000 https://www.livingsingleinretirement.com/?p=695 Many of us baby boomer women remember the 1980’s TV show “The Golden Girls”. It was so popular and is still in reruns today. But the concept of house sharing has been around for years and is known by many other names; Home Sharing, Shared Housing, Living in Community, Sharing Housing, Your Quest for Home and the Golden Girls Home.

What is House Sharing?

House sharing is exactly what the title says, sharing a house (a home) with other unrelated women (people). The Golden Girls TV show gave us a glimpse of what living together with other women of retirement age might be like. 

Many single, senior women are looking for ways to improve their retirement lives and sharing a house with other women their own age can be a great alternative to living alone. There are many benefits for choosing this lifestyle.

Is House Sharing a good idea for senior women?

Almost half of senior women who are baby boomer age are living alone or will at some time in their life. Most of us agree that life is much sweeter when we have someone to share it with!

As we get older we are more vulnerable to things like falls, getting sick, needing to have medical procedures and maybe just someone to pick up medications and groceries.

Senior women who are single and living alone run the risk of not receiving help when they need it. Laying on the floor waiting for help to arrive can take days and it’s a scary situation to be in.

When you live with a housemate(s) you can feel confident in knowing that you will not suffer in silence. Also, there is comfort in knowing that we’re in this together and can be there for each other.

There are 3 main reasons why older women like the idea of house sharing in retirement and the benefits.

Companionship – Health & Safety – Economy

CompanionshipHealth & SafetyEconomy
Prevents loneliness.In case of a fall.Reduced living expenses.
Someone to talk to and laugh with.Knowing someone will be  there when you get home.Saves you money for travel or other indulgences.
Possibly a friend to travel with.Someone to help you remember things.Allows you to live in a nicer home.
Prevents you from retiring from life.Someone to notice physical changes.Someone to share the cost of  travel adventures.
Have someone to share a meal with.Better sleep knowing you’re not alone.Ability to have more luxuries in your retirement.

House Sharing can offer you more choices

As we retire we may be faced with the question, where and how do I want to live in my retirement years.  Many of us are downsizing our homes and making plans. Maybe you’d like to travel, move near your grandchildren or retire to sun country. 

If you’re a woman living alone, you might want to find someone around your own age to share a house with and create a home together. Maybe even invite more women to join you, if the home is big enough to accommodate everyone’s needs.

There is a growing interest among senior women for house sharing and new resources online are popping up to help us search for houses and housemates.

Videos about House Sharing

Here are two videos that will give you examples of women sharing housing. It appears that Canada and the UK are way ahead of the US when it comes to senior women moving in together to share a home.

As you watch how other senior women have created a better retirement life by house sharing, it may ignite a spark in you to pursue this lifestyle for yourself.

Will House Sharing save me money?

Having housemates saves money on monthly expenses because you usually split the cost on everything; rent, utilities and possibly food. This can allow you to have extra money to save for a trip, buy things you’ve been wanting or pay for your medications more easily.

What will I get if I Share Housing?

Why live the rest of your life alone? When you have a housemate you’ll know someone is expecting you to come home and if something happens to you they will be there to help. Plus the companionship will help you to live a long, healthy, happy life.

How does House Sharing work?

There are many details to consider in order to protect everyone who enters into a house sharing lifestyle. The first and most important is finding and keeping good housemates.

I believe that many of us older women haven’t jumped in because of a concern about the possibility of getting the “roommate from hell”.

Annamarie Pluhar’s book,Sharing Housing is a practical guidebook that spells out the process of finding and keeping good housemates and how to live comfortably and harmoniously together.

Renting a Room vs Sharing a House

Someone who rents a room in your house is called a lodger. They may or may not have access to use other areas of your home. Everything depends on the agreement you prepare and both of you understanding boundaries.

Sharing a House is different in design because, although you are considered housemates, you often share in all the details of creating a home together.

In some cases all the bills, food and maintenance are expenses that you share equally. Others may choose to keep everything separate. It’s up to you how you design your house sharing opportunity.

How do I get started House Sharing?

Before looking for a housemate you must answer some questions about you and your potential housemate. Are you going to share all parts of the house or limit access to certain rooms? Are visitors and overnight guests ok with you? Will you share food? What about cleaning, who does what? Is being neat and clean all the time a priority to you?

I most definitely recommend Annamarie Pluhar’s book, “Sharing Housing”, because she has had housemates most of her life and has a complete guide that includes lists for you to consider yourself first and your likes, dislikes and what you want in a housemate. 

There are more resources listed below.

Search for House Share Opportunities

Are you looking to become housemates with another single, senior woman? Sign up for our newsletter and be notified when others, in the area you choose, are also looking for housemates. 

Your information will be kept confidential and only shared with your permission when connecting you with other single women also looking, after you respond to our email. We do not sell leads or screen anyone, so it is your responsibility to do this pre-screening yourself.

You will also receive value information to help you on your journey towards House Sharing.


If you are interested in finding and connecting with a House Sharing opportunity in Arizona, please sign up and we’ll send you the details. If you’re serious, complete our interest form and we will call you with more details. Currently we have the Sun City, AZ location available.


ONTARIO, CANADA – Senior ladies living together – https://www.canadianseniorsdirectory.ca/senior-service-canada/senior-ladies-living-together/

Legal Advice

FREE ADVICE / Legal    https://www.freeadvice.com/legal/if-someone-leaves-their-p-70202/


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